For extending the date of submission of comments on Draft National Electricity Policy, May 14, 2021

Posted On : August 03, 2021

Kindly refer Ministry Of Power public notice  of 27 April 2021 wherein the draft of National Electricity Policy 2021  was put on Website and comments were invited from stakeholders within 21 days.

2. All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) is receiving representations from State Power Engineer Associations as well as Regional Power Federations that under the present circumstances  of pandemic, Covid - 19, there is  practically  a  state of dire emergency. The Power Engineers, and State Associations and Regional Federations are not in a position to study the draft Policy in detail and also to obtain feedback from the Consumers and other stakeholders. The power and distribution system  is loaded the maximum during summer months and  this is the period when maintenance works are  taken up/completed  so that continuity of power supply is   ensured during the peak load period.  The electrical supply system to Hospitals, health installations, oxygen plants has to be given priority  in operation as well as  maintenance. This is also the period when Thermal and Hydro power stations have to be maintained and kept ready  for meeting the peak summer load.

 3. AIPEF opines that feedback and comments on draft Policy  necessarily requires  interaction  with  stakeholders , which would not be practically possible  during the present pandemic conditions.  AIPEF therefore  stresses that  the Ministry of Power may extend the date of  submission of comments  by six months so  that  we can  give our response  after the required  deliberations with our engineers  across the country.