Press Statement of Union Power Minister, Jun 28, 2020

Posted On : October 05, 2020

Union Power Minister R K Singh declared on 25th June that Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 will be tabled in Parliament in the coming monsoon session likely to be held in July 2020. He has issued a 05 page Press Note on 25th June which is attached for ready reference.

2.  Power Minister R K Singh  announced that Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 mainly having provision of Privatization through introduction of  Distribution Sub License & Franchise, Abolition of Subsidy & Cross Subsidy, establishing of Electricity Contract Enforcement Authority (ECEA) in interest of private houses, Appointment of SERC Chairman & Members Centrally, New Renewable Energy Policy will be tabled in coming Monsoon Session of Parliament.  Looking the intention of Central Govt to rush through Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 amid Covid-19 Pandemic and continued Disaster it is required to continue our campaign against Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 so that Central Govt may not be able to rush through the Bill unilaterally in Parliament and at least it is referred to standing committee of Parliament so that all stakeholders get opportunity to put their view point before the Govt. For this it is required to educate all MP's, MLA's and farmers who are going to be affected worst if Bill is enacted.

3. With the latest announcement of the Union Power Minister we will decide the future course of action in coordination with NCCOEEE.


Shailendra Dubey
