Interviews for the post of BBMB chairman held today, June 24, 2020

Posted On : October 05, 2020

The selection process for the post of new Bhakra Beas
Management Board (BBMB) chairman started today with the
interview of shortlisted candidates.
The selection and search committee had shortlisted 20 persons for
the interview and two or three persons did not attend the interviews.
The interviews were held through video conferencing
though the candidates were called to New Delhi for interviews.
Member (Irrigation), Member (Power ), and CE Transmission were three candidates from BBMB. From PSPCL two
engineers CE Ropar thermal and CE Thermal Design were two persons interviewed for the post.
Amongst others, 5 were from CEA, two each from Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.
The present term of BBMB chairman Devendra Kumar Sharma ends on July 17 when he completes the age of 60 years.
The search and selection committee will recommend few names to Power Ministery and after that Ministry will send two names to the appointment committee of the cabinet chaired by Prime Minister for selecting one name