Pvt agency to track power bill defaulters Dec 22, 2018

Posted On : February 20, 2019

With pending dues running into a whopping Rs 583.51 crore, the Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) has hired a private detective agency to trace thousands of power bill defaulters. 

‘Countrywide Detective Services’ will be handed over the defaulters’ list. It will be paid Rs 350 for every consumer traced (excluding taxes).  The agency will start work with the operation sub-division of Tilpat where defaulters, residing in about 30 colonies, number 5,700.

“Tracing defaulters in cases where power supply has been disconnected and those who have changed address over the years poses a major challenge,” explained Pradeep Chauhan, SE, Faridabad. 

While several new colonies have come up or have been merged, information on consumers continues to be woefully inadequate, resulting in erratic recovery of dues. Chauhan says hiring an agency is the right move as it will enable authorities to initiate legal action against non-payers.