Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has been asked to cut down transmission and distribution losses to 10% in 2021-22, Jun 7, 2021

Posted On : August 03, 2021

The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) in its tariff order, dated May 28, for the 2021-22 financial year said: “PSPCL has failed to bring down losses to the desired level despite huge capital investments allowed by the commission. PSPCL is again directed to identify high-loss feeders and areas and take corrective measures to achieve distribution loss trajectory.”

For example, against the target of 11.54% transmission and distribution (T&D) losses in 2019-20, PSPCL recorded 14.35% losses (see box). In the current fiscal, the commission has asked it to bring down the loses to 10%.

‘12 subdivisions can cut overall losses by 2%’

In the tariff order, PSERC noted that though the number of feeders with more than 15% T&D losses has come down from 2,697 (in 2019- 20) to 1,526 (in 2020-21, up to December 2020), the number of high-loss feeders (with losses more than 50%) have gone up from 180 to 230 and those with losses more than 90% have increased from four to nine.

PSPCL clarified that to curb thefts, surprise raids are conducted despite the fact that employees are gheraoed and manhandled. As many as 1,13,470 connections have been checked and 8,823 theft cases have been detected in these divisions, and revenue losses worth ?19.02 crore have been detected till December 2020.

‘Expedite shifting of meters outside premises’

According to the tariff order, there were 5.47 lakh meters waiting to be shifted outside consumers’ premises by December 2019, and the number stood at 4.51 lakh in December 2020, pointing to the fact that only 96,000 meters were shifted in one year.