Draft Electricity Amendment Act 2018--- Electricity Bill 2018 Sep 29, 2019

Posted On : October 11, 2019

In the context of the Electricity Bill 2018, I suggest that AIPEF should write to the Government/ Speaker/ Vice President/ All Chief Ministers/ Political party chiefs stating the following

1. That Electricity is a no longer just a vital infrastructure, but a fundamental right of the people.

2. That the financial stress in the industry cannot just be blamed on DISCOMS alone, but must be analysed in depth and a multi sectoral perspective to bring out contribution of all the players in the industry.

3. That there should be a review of the Electricity Act 2003. For example the Electricity Act 2003 removed the techno-economic approval of the CEA, the consequence was 34 stressed thermal power plants.

4. Induction of large scale renewable energy solar power plants are being done without concern for i) economics of transmission and ii) Grid stability.

5. The PPAs entered into in the past need to be renegotiated for the survival of the electrical power supply industry.

6. Implications of imported coal tarriff being a pass through has serious consequences and must be address.

7. Systematic dilution of the role and responsibilities of the State Goevrnment.

8. The Bill should be modified to create a GST council type of structure so that the States and Center can play a vital role in policy/decision making

9. Splitting carraige and content without learning from the experienece of failure of franchisee and without detailing the cost implication of implementing the splitting of carraige and content has serious consequences.

10. Majority of the electricity consumers are poor and do not have the purchasing power, yet electricty has become vital for survival, therefore social concerns cannot be divorced from concerns of investors.


(These is just tentative, off the cuff list. It needs to be discused and sharpened)


For the reasons listed above AIPEF demands  that the Bill be sent to the Statnding Committee for detailed scrutiny. It should not be enacted without proper consulation with all stakeholders.


AIPEF is the sole represntative of the engineers serving the electricity industry. AIPEF asserts its right to be consulted.,