Mob violence inside SSTPP Khandawa 27 - 09 - 2019

Posted On : October 11, 2019
No. 29 - 2019 / SSTPP Khandawa incident         27 - 09 - 2019
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Madhya Pradesh
Sub: Mob violence inside SSTPP Khandawa
Respected Sir,
All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) strongly condemns the incident of mob violence on 26th September 2019 inside Sri Singaji Thermal Power Plant (SSTPP) Khandawa. AIPEF demands immediate arrest of culprits and stern action against all culprits involved in highly deplorable incident.
2. In this reference AIPEF wants to draw your kind attention against this incident. In morning of 26th September one of the labour was found drowned in reservoir of SSTPP, Khandwa. Later, severe man handling was done with Additional Chief Engineer,  Superintending Engineer and other officers. While, Chief Engineer was pushed by the mob of miscreants inside the power plant. Situation is grossly out of control. Mob with rods was moving inside plant area and mob forced the tripping of power plant.
3. It is most unfortunate on part of administration that no FIR has been lodged yet. Power Engineers & Employees across the country are shocked due to this unprecedented incident inside the power plant. Due to inaction on part of administration power engineers & employees across the country are highly agitated and show their solidarity with Madhya Pradesh Power Engineers & Employees.
4. You are kindly aware that United Forum of Power Engineers & Employees of MP has decided to stop work in all power stations in first step if action is not taken against culprits. In second stage MP Power Engineers & Employees will be forced to stop the work throughout the state. 
5. You would kindly agree that this is a very serious situation  and immediate action is required against culprits to avoid unprecedented industrial unrest in MP Power Sector. 
6. AIPEF requests you to use your good offices and direct authorities to take immediate action against all culprits. I also want to intimate you that in case MP Power Engineers & Employees are forced to accelerate their agitation then Power Engineers & Employees of other states shall not remain silent spectator and shall be forced to extend active cooperation to MP struggle.
Hope for an early action. Thanking you with regards.
Sincerely Yours