HVPN engineers boycott online exam today, Nov 26, 2021

Posted On : December 14, 2021

The Haryana Power Engineers Association (HPEA) on Wednesday said the power engineers of the Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam (HVPN) would boycott the online exam to test the skills of assistant engineers and assistant executive engineers scheduled for Thursday.

KK Malik, general secretary, HPEA, said over 350 assistant engineers and assistant executive engineers, working in all circles of the HVPN, had made a joint representation against the online exam and sent it to the management through their superintending engineers, saying they would boycott it.

The HPEA has also written a letter to the Chief Managing Director, HVPN, forwarding the engineers’ representation and sought a meeting with the management at the earliest to resolve the issue and other issues.