AIPEF demands withdrawal of Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, Nov 26, 2021

Posted On : December 14, 2021

The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has demanded the withdrawal of Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021 and suggested that the Pre Legislative Consultation Policy should be adopted before introducing the Bill in Parliament.

Further, AIPEF has sought Prime Minister's intervention in light of the listing of Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, in the coming winter session of Parliament beginning from November 29, 2021.

AIPEF Chairman Shailendra Dubey has sent a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him to intervene in the matter and direct authorities to ensure adoption of Pre Legislative Consultation Policy (PLCP) before introducing the Bill in Parliament, a statement said.

If Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, is not withdrawn and is unilaterally introduced in Parliament then 1.5 million power employees and engineers across the country will have no option except to resort to nationwide movement till the Bill is withdrawn, AIPEF said.

A meeting of the National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees & Engineers (NCCOEEE) scheduled on December 3, in Delhi will decide the future course of action, he said.

In the context of the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, due to be introduced in Parliament, it is observed that the government had finalized and issued/circulated PLCP in 2014, which must be implemented before introducing any legislation in Parliament, it said.

The salient points of PLCP to be adopted before placing any Bill in Parliament are proactively publish the proposed legislation, the proposal to be kept in public domain for 30 days at least, proposals be circulated to the affected people for wider public opinion.

Besides, provision of previous publication of rules is necessary, every draft legislation must have an explanatory note explaining key legal provisions in simple language.

Feedback/comments from the public has to be put on the website of the concerned ministry, the ministry to have consultation with all stakeholders, legal vetting and inter-ministerial consultation required.

The ministry needs to compile a summary of objections in the cabinet note and the summary should be put before the related Standing Committee of Parliament.

If it is not feasible to implement PLCP, the reasons should be recorded in note to Cabinet, it stated.

Shailendra Dubey said that none of the above has been followed, therefore, Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, must be withdrawn and should not be introduced in Parliament unilaterally.