Additional Comments of AIPEF on Draft Electricity(Amendment) Bill-2021, , Feb 19, 2021

Posted On : March 05, 2021

  In continuation to AIPEF  letter No 19-2021   dated 18 Feb 2021, additional comments are submitted as under.

1.  In AIPEF  letter/comments  we have quoted from a study by the NGO PRAYAS  titled  Many Sparks, Little Light   which shows how the experiment of privatization and multiple licensees  has failed in Mumbai  and caused  hardship  to consumers including  high tariffs. PRAYAS has carried out another study “ In the name of Competition”  with a 21-page  Summary-presentation. These documents expose how competition has failed in Mumbai and how consumers have suffered. AIPEF submits that the attached documents must be examined and studied by policy makers and the Ministry of Power  . We reiterate, that when the experiment has failed in Mumbai, it cannot be expected to succeed anywhere else in India. There is a strong case to roll back the privatization process  in Mumbai as well as other areas like Odisha, Delhi, and other States/Cities.  In particular, the pages 11 to 21 of PRAYAS  Summary document-presentation  deserves the urgent attention of GOI.

2.    We repeat that in considering the draft amendments   Bill-2021  all Stakeholders must be heard, and PRAYAS is one such stakeholder.

With Regards.

Sincerely Yours

Shailendra Dubey
