Electricity should be a fundamental right: Engineers tell political parties April 7, 2019

Posted On : April 20, 2019

Political parties' manifestos should declare electricity as a fundamental right, said an association representing almost 1.5 million public sector power employees Sunday.

The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has written to leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Congress and other parties suggesting a charter of suggestions to improve the power sector.

AIPEF said in Lucknow electricity drives economic development, and should therefore be affordable and available to the poor.

AIPEF chairman Shailendra Dubey claimed the domestic power sector was in deep crisis, especially due to the “indiscriminate” change in policy. “Almost 65% of investment in the private thermal power plants has resulted in stressed assets. There is serious danger of Rs 3 (trillion)-4 trillion of public funds in the form of bank loans turning non-performing assets (NPA).”

The federation recommended setting up of a committee comprising representatives from power companies, consumers and engineers to review the Electricity Act 2003.

The AIPEF on Sunday held its national executive at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s parliamentary constituency of Varanasi, pressing for a review of a policy that allows power utilities to be bundled.