Punjab’s hydel power generation also falls due to low water level in Bhakra, Oct 18, 2021

Posted On : November 09, 2021

Chandigarh With coal shortage already causing a power crisis in Punjab, there has also been a fall in power generation at the state’s hydel power generating plants, particularly on the Bhakra. Against the total installed capacity of 1,379 megawatts in 10 power houses on both right and left banks, eight power plants of 1,110 megawatts are in working order. One powerhouse on each bank has been shut down leading to a daily loss in power generation of 265 megawatts.

Water level in the reservoir after the end of its dam filling season on September 20 is a cause of concern for the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB). Deficient rain this monsoon in the catchment of Bhakra dam reservoir is said to the reason. As per data from the board on Saturday, the level was 1,648 feet, at least 37 feet lower than the maximum filling level of 1,685 feet.

To date, the targeted hydel power generation was 2,870 Million Units (MUs), as fixed by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), but only 2,521 MUs (88%) has been generated. If compared to the situation when all power houses are operated, the shutdown is leading to a daily shortfall of 63 lakh units from total generation capacity of 330 lakh units.

cheapest rate of ?1.4 per unit, which is calculated on the basis of operation and maintenance cost of the dam system.

Owing to power shortage, Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) has purchased power from outside the state at ?12 a unit. Now, however, due to a fall in temperature, power demand has crashed and rates have also come down to between ?4 and ?5 per unit. Coal supplies are also expected to resume in the upcoming week.

“We are trying to generate the maximum power, but at BBMB regulating the flow of water for drinking and irrigation purposes is important, power generation is a consequence,” said a director level officer, who manages operations at the State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).