Power demand reaches record high in Punjab

Posted On : September 05, 2018

PATIALA: The maximum power demand in Punjab reached 12,542 megawatt (MW) on Monday afternoon. The all-time high was due to the hot and sultry weather and dwindling rainfall in the state

The ongoing paddy cultivation season has further increased the power demands in state, beyond the power corporation’s expectations.


The Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) has witnessed a 33% spike in power demand in the state.

With the maximum ever demand being 12,542MW, the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited had supplied 2,675 lakh units (LU) energy without imposing any power cuts in the state. On July 11,2017, the maximum power demand was recorded to be 11,705MW and PSPCL had supplied 2672 LU energy on July 10,2017.

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited chief managing director (CMD) Baldev Singh Sran said that this year, on July 9, the power corporation had supplied 483 lakh units (LU) energy by banking arrangements, whereas last year, on July 10, only 205 LU energy was supplied by banking.

Besides this, this year, the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has generated 556 LU energy as compared to last year’s 496 LU, from its own resources, the CMD added.

Sran assured that during the paddy season, agricultural and other consumers of the sttae will be provided uninterrupted and quality power supply in Punjab. He said that no power cut will be imposed.

On Monday, all thermal units in the state and private sector, except one unit of GVK, were functioning in the state. The state sector thermal units generated around 1,657MW power, while the private thermal units generated around 3,410MW power.

Power dral from the grid, as per share quota and bilateral arrangements, was more than 6,100MW.

Meanwhile, the water-levels in reservoirs of Punjab, continues to be low as compared to last year. The water level in Bhakra was 457.08m against last year’s 481.86m, on the corresponding day. This year’s water level is about 24.8m less then last year. In case of Ranjit Sagar Dam, the water level was 505.98m against last year’s 515.41m.