Vacant Posts in Central Electricity Authority, 30 - 04 – 2020

Posted On : May 11, 2020

 It is observed that there are several vacant posts in the Central Electricity Authority. As per Section 70 (3) of Electricity Act 2003, the CEA can have up to 14 members out of which not more than 8 can be full time member. It is seen that out of the maximum permissible strength of 8 full time members at present there are only three full time members as summarized below.

a)      Er. P.S.Mhaske, Chairman is holding dual charge of Member Power    System.

b)      Er. S.K. Sharma, Member Planning is holding dual charge of Member Economic and Commercial.

c)      Er. Dinesh Chandra, Member Hydro is holding dual charge of Member Grid Operation and Distribution.

d)      Post of Member Thermal is lying vacant

 The vacancies of the members have arisen due to retirements and hence the Government of India/ Ministry of Power knew well in advance the time frame of vacancies occurring and could have ensured the timely selection of the new members.

2. It is suggested that Ministry of Power may adopt the norm of initiating the selection/appointment  process one year before the anticipated date of vacancy so that in future the critically important posts of CEA do not remain vacant. In the meantime, the action to fill vacant posts  in CEA may be expedited  and completed on priority as these are statutory posts under Section 70(3) of E Act 2003.

Thanking you with regards.


Sincerely Yours

Shailendra Dubey
