Against suspension of Er K K Mallik General Secretary Haryana Power Engineers Association, Aug 2, 2020

Posted On : October 07, 2020


No. 61 -2020 / Haryana Power Sector                      02 - 08 -2020
Hon'ble Sri Manohar Lal Khattar 
Chief Minister
Govt of Haryana
Sub: Against suspension of Er K K Mallik General Secretary Haryana Power Engineers Association
Respected Sir,
All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) wants to bring to your kind notice that General Secretary Haryana Power Engineers Association (HPEA) Er K K Malik was summarily suspended on 30 July  by an order which does not indicate on what basis or charge the suspension is ordered. Engineers of Haryana Power utilities are greatly agitated  over this high handed action . 
2. Power Engineers all over the country are agitated over this uncalled for and unwarranted action of Haryana Power Utility.Latest reports  indicate that engineers at Hisar, Narnaul and Panipat have already come on the streets to protest.I want to mention here that Haryana Power Engineers Association appreciates and follow the policy of Sri Narendra Modi Govt and your Govt of zero tolerance on corruption and accordingly HPEA raises concerns against corrupt practices of power management. It is learnt that CMD UHBVN & DHBVN has extra constitutionally intervened to get Er K K Mallik suspended because he raised the issues of corrupt malpractices of CMD Shatrujit Kapoor.
3.You are urgently requested to kindly intervene and order the withdrawal of suspension order  since agitation is flaring up over the State at a time when power demand of the State is maximum on account of paddy season. Since the suspensions were entirely uncalled for, unwarranted and unjustified  the orders must be withdrawn forthwith. The power utility management must have dialogue with power engineers association  after withdrawing the suspension orders, to discuss the urgent grievances  of the engineers, The Haryana power utilities have disturbed the industrial peace for which there is no justification or basis , and for which the authorities of  power utilities are answerable.
Hope for an early intervention for withdrawal of suspension order of Er K K Mallik.
Thank you with regards.
Sincerely Yours
Shailendra Dubey