Tweet Campaign against Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020, 22-04-2020

Posted On : April 29, 2020

You are aware that Ministry of Power , GOI has circulated Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 when whole country and Power Engineers & Employees are fighting hard to combat pandemic of COVID -19. Time given by MoP to submit the comment on Bill is only 21 days from date of issue of letter ie 17th April. It is very clear that issuing Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 in present crisis is highly unwanted and has generated lot of resentment amongst power engineers & employees who are untiringly working day & night to ensure uninterrupted power supply. This move of MoP at this crucial juncture is totally disappointing for the power sector.

2. Under the given circumstances It has been decided to launch Tweet Campaign for five days demanding withdrawal of Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 pushed for privatization during COVID-19 Pandemic crisis & Nationwide Lock Down which is neither necessary nor urgent. We demand extensive consultation with power engineers, employees & consumers for improvement. Tweet Campaign will be for five days national and region wise as following & request every engineer to tweet. In present circumstances it will give a boost to our demand. This is call of the hour to show our UNITY & SOLIDARITY. Please ensure 100% tweet of every engineer.

3.Tweet Programme -
-Friday 24th April - All Office Bearers of AIPEF,SIPEF,WIPEF,EIPEF,NIPEF & STATE CONSTITUENTS.
-Saturday 25th April - All Engineers of Northern Region UP, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana,HP, Rajasthan,Delhi,J&K,CEA
-Sunday 26th April - All Engineers of Western Region Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh
-Monday 27th April - All Engineers of Southern Region Tamilnadu, Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,Kerala & Puducheri
-Tuesday 28th April - All Engineers of Eastern Region Bihar, Jharkhand,West Bengal,Odisha,DVC,Tripura,Assam, Meghalaya
4. Tweet is as following -
@narendramodi @PMOIndia @RajKSinghIndia @OfficeOfRKSingh 
Power Engineers demand withdrawal of Electricity(Amendment)Bill2020 pushed  during lockdown for privatization.Extensive consultation with engineers, employees &consumers required.@AIPEF
All have to simply copy and tweet only.Please ensure 100% tweet. Show Unity & Solidarity. 
All office bearers are required to campaign massively to ensure 100% success.
Shailendra Dubey                                                            P Rathnakar Rao
Chairman                                                                         Secretary General