SND Ltd (Earst while Spanco) Nagpur UDF to go back 13 - 08 -- 2019

Posted On : September 06, 2019
SND Ltd (Earst while Spanco) has sent a  letter to CMD MSEDCL on 12th August 2019 (Copy attached) to step in and take over Urban Distribution Franchisee of Nagpur. 
2. This  another example of UDF backing out highlights the miserable failure of Govt's faulty energy policies. MoP needs to review privatisation policies and take Power Engineers and Employees in confidence for quality and affordable electricity to consumers.
3. It is noteworthy that UDF could not take over Kanpur, Jamshedpur and Ranchi while they have to leave Ujjain , Sagar,Gwalior,Gaya,Bhagalpur,Muzaffarpur, Jalgaon and some other places. The experiment of UDF has miserably failed. 
4. All State Constituents are requested to furnish details of UDF immediately so as to make a strong case against such moves.
Shailendra Dubey         P Rathnakar Rao
Chairman                      Secretary General