Reservoirs may miss filling targets despite improved inflow Jul 27, 2021

Posted On : August 03, 2021

The water level in the Bhakra, Pong, and Ranjit Sagar reservoirs may not achieve their target filling by the end of filling season
on September 20 despite improved inflows.
Widespread rain in Himachal Pradesh has improved the storage level at Bhakra Dam, Pong Dam, and Ranjit Sagar Dam (RSD)Dam
but it is still below last year's water level on a corresponding day.
The water level in Bhakra Dam is 1575.2 feet, an increase of 35 feet during the last 15 days, but it is still down by 38 feet from last year's level of 1613.2 feet.
The water inflow in Bhakra on Monday was 47852 cusecs.Following the massive inflow in the last 15 days, the water level in Pong reservoir went up by 35 feet but it is still 23 feet down as compared to last year on a corresponding day.
The water level in the Pong reservoir is 1313.8 feet as compared to 1336.8 feet last year. On July 12 this year it was 1278.6 feet. The water inflow in Pong reservoir on Monday was 23871 cusecs.

The level in Ranjit Sagar Dam in Punjab also increased by 21 feet from 1628, 5 feet to 1649.4 feet in the last 15 days. Last year's water level on a corresponding day was 1671.6 feet. The water inflow in the Dam is 15974 cusecs.

As per the central water commission reservoir storage bulletin of July 22, the total live storage at Bhakra Dam is 49% of normal storage, at Pong reservoir, it is 60 % of normal storage, and at Ranjit Sagar it is 47 % of the normal storage average of last ten years.
In Himachal Pradesh total storage of Bhakra reservoir is 1.44 billion cubic meters (BCM) and in Pong Dam, it is 1.31 BCM..In Punjab at Ranjit Sagar, it is 0.58 BCM.