One Day Token Work Boycott on 03 Feb 2021 against Privatization policies, Jan 17, 2021

Posted On : March 04, 2021

You are kindly aware of the grievances of the power sector stake holding employees and engineers against Central Government’s move towards power sector privatisation through Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020 & Standard Bidding Document for total privatization of distribution of electricity. All central trade unions and peasants organisations of the country are also opposing conversion of public monopoly to private monopoly.


2. As decided by National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE), All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) wants to intimate you that all power engineers across the country shall resort to one day token Work Boycott  on 3rd February, 2021 on following demands and to express solidarity to struggling organisations of peasants whose one of the main demands is withdrawal of Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 and Central Trade Unions all over the country fighting against privatization of PSU’s. This letter may kindly be treated as formal Notice.

Demands …  

- Scrap Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020 & Standard Bidding Document towards total privatisation of distribution of electricity.  

- Withdraw process of privatisation of Electricity from public sector to private company in states and UTs. Cancel all existing private Licenses and franchises in power sector.  

- Reintegrate all power utilities in states and UTs with function components of Generation, Transmission and Distribution like KSEB Ltd & HPSEB Ltd.    

- Reintroduce Old Pension Scheme & Scrap New Pension Scheme. Forced retirement is not acceptable in the power sector.  

- Regularise all contract and casual workers/employees averting legal complicacy like Telengana. Fixed Term employment is not acceptable in the power sector.  

- Fill in all existing vacancies with a policy of regular jobs to be discharged by regular employees only.


3. It may kindly be noted that, if Government tries to impose any repressive measure over struggling employees/ peasants, AIPEF alongwith NCCOEEE constituents all over the country will not remain silent spectator and will be compelled to resort to any form of lightning action, consequential responsibility of which will have to be borne by the Government alone.


Thank you.


Sincerely Yours,


Shailendra Dubey
