Memorandum in MS word form for sending, Dec 20, 2021

Posted On : January 21, 2022

20th December, 2021

Sh. Manoj Sinha,
Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor,
UT of Jammu and Kashmir,
Raj Bhawan, Srinagar, J&K.
Sub: (Name of organisation), a constitient of NCCOEEE Extends Solidarity Support for
 the movement of Jammu & Kashmir Power Engineers and Employees Coordination Committee
(JKPEECC) and fervent request for effectual intervention for immediate Settlement of
demands thereof.
Revered Sir,
(Name of organisation), a constitient of National Co-ordination Committee of Electricity
 Employees &  Engineers (NCCOEEE), the broad based joint platform of all the National
 Federations of Electricity Employees and Engineers like to draw your contemplative
attention on the captioned subject.
We have  noted with grave concern that your administration, at the behest of Government
 of India has opened a front of conflict with the power sector employees and engineers
in Jammu & Kashmir. Jammu & Kashmir Power Engineers and Employees Coordination Committee
 (JKPEECC) representing all the registered Trade Unions and Associations logically
 objected to the proposed Joint Venture of JKPTCL with PGCIL, which itself is a Arbitrary,
 undemocratic and illogical process.

The electricity employees and engineers, being the Government employee are on deputation
to the power corporation and Power corporations management badly failed to ensure
at par servic condition as they were in Power Development Department, and now through
this proposed venture electricity employees and engineers are supposed to be thrown to
yet another new Joint venture wherein the Power Grid Corporation India Limited is itself
 in the monetization pipeline as declared by Central Government tantamount privatization.
A few thousand Daily waged casual workers were assured regularisation by the appropriate
Government of Jammu & Kashmir. Your administration, has miserably failed to clarify the
 status of employment of the permanent government, far off is the fate of thousand Daily
waged casual workers in the future threshold of the proposed JVC.    
So it can be fairly concluded that this is yet another new route of privatizing the
 government owned electricity department /corporations smoothly harnessing back door
The new draft agreement concerning proposed joint venture between JKPTCL and PGCIL has been fostered in unprecedented haste unilaterally
 without taking employees and engineer’s associations/unions in confidence.

The electricity employees and engineers of power corporations of UT of J & K are also
 the employees of predecessor state owned Power Development Department, so by virtue
of natural justice and common sense the service conditions of them must not be inferior
in any manner from as it used to be earlier, throughout all the cadres.

Undemocratic unlawful exercise of powers with ulterior motives by the UT administration
 at the behest of GoI is vehemently objected to and has not at all been conceded to.
 At that juncture employees and engineers were forced to the path of work boycott
w.e.f midnight of 17th -18th December.

The tried and tested route of Democracy i.e. consultation with all stake holders
 through dialogue, logic and even respect the dissent therein has been evaded which
caused serious unrest and grave  root.

The new draft agreement concerning proposed joint venture between JKPTCL and PGCIL has
been fostered in unprecedented haste unilaterally without taking employees and engineer’s
 associations/unions in confidence.

The electricity employees and engineers of power corporations of UT of J & K are also
the employees of predecessor state owned Power Development Department, so by virtue of
 natural justice and common sense the service conditions of them must not be inferior
 in any manner from as it used to be earlier, throughout all the cadres.

Undemocratic unlawful exercise of powers with ulterior motives by the UT administration
at the behest of GoI is vehemently objected to and has not at all been conceded to.
 At that juncture employees and engineers were forced to the path of work boycott
w.e.f midnight of 17th -18th December.

The tried and tested route of Democracy i.e. consultation with all stake holders  
through dialogue, logic and even respect the dissent therein has been evaded which caused
serious unrest and grave resentment among the electricity employees and engineers of the
 UT of J & K.
Moreover, this proposed Joint Venture may meet the same fate as we have in past witnessed
 the fate of the CVPPPL which was a joint venture company floated on same concept for
 harnessing the hydro potential wherein  NHPC and JKSPDC/JKPDD were equivalent share
holders. However with passage of time, there is a complete monopoly of NHPC Ltd with
 Chairman and Managing Director both from NHPC and position of Joint Managing who
supposedly as per agreement from JKPDD/SPDC lying vacant since 2015.The top level
 management has  all been taken over by NHPC. Moreover the employees of JKPDD on
deputation to CVPPPL are  either not given position commensurate to their status in
JKPDD and are also victimized on one pretext or other.

We note with utter dismay, the attitude of the Government, so far power sector is
 concerned, the style is like it is some one’s personal property. JKPEECC decided to
 oppose it democratically. J&K administration has disregarded the democratic norms
of amicable settlement of industrial dispute raised by 100% employees and engineers.
 We have noted that, JKPEECC has firmly declared that if J&K administration tries to
adopt any punitive measure against any of the employees and engineers, they resolute
to initiate mass court arrest and impact of consequence/s will have to be borne by
the administration itself.
Our organisation as a constituent NCCOEEE, united platform of Electricity Employees &
Engineers at the national level, extend fullest solidarity and support to the action
of JKPECC on the part of all employees and engineers of J&K. Your administration may
kindly note that J&K electricity employees and engineers are not isolated.
They are part and parcel of power sector employees and Engineers of India so
if administration of UT of J&K tries to impose any repressive/punitive measures
over struggling employees and engineers of J&K for exercising their legitimate rights,
NCCOEEE constituents all over the country will not remain silent spectators and will
 be compelled  to resort to any form of lightning action, consequential
responsibility of which will have to be borne by the Government alone.

Thanks & regards,

Most Sincerely Yours,

President/General Secretary
Mob. No…………………