JKEEGA denounces suspension of 12 Engineers in J&K; seeks revocation within 7 days else protests to follow

Posted On : May 18, 2024

 The Jammu and Kashmir Electrical Engineering Graduates Association [JKEEGA] held an emergency Guidance Council meeting on 21-03-2023 under the chairmanship of Er Sachin Tickoo, President JKEEGA & Er Pirzada Hidayatullah, General Secretary JKEEGA and denounced the action of Government in strong terms wherein engineers have been cherry picked and suspended for no fault of theirs without assessing replies furnished by engineers who were served show cause notices.

The replies as per standing norms should have been assessed by a technical committee so that sense would have prevailed and no decision like suspensions in haste would have been taken. The members opined that the engineers working in these areas have been made scapegoats for poor infrastructure/ lack of adequate staff and non-metering/ABC cabling.