Bid to re-privatise power sector decried

Posted On : November 17, 2018

An Odisha Power Engineers Congress was held here on Saturday organised by the All Odisha Power Engineers Federation.

Power Engineers from generation, transmission and distribution sector participated in large numbers. The issues concerning the service matter of engineers and power sector, including re-privatisation of distribution sector, were discussed.

A seminar on ‘Safety in Electrical System’ was also held. It was opined that due to past mismanagement of human resources and present indifferent attitude, engineers are subjected to huge sufferings. Though authorities have time and again been appraised of the issues, no meaningful step has been taken yet by respective managements.

The issues were also discussed again in a high level meeting chaired by theEnergy Minister on June 4, but in vain, the speakers lamented.

Likewise even though the work load has increased tremendously during the last 20 years due to 4 -fold increase in consumer base and system network, man power is fast dwindling due to retirement. The cadre restructuring is getting abnormally delayed. Due to want of required man power, it is not possible to provide quality service to the consumers, they opined.

They also rued over the fact that even after miserable failure of privatisation and franchisee, re-privatisation is being mulled by OERC without any review.

Several proposals were adopted to be sent to all Power Corporation heads, Secretary Energy, Minister Energy and the Chief Minister Odisha for their intervention