new developments

Posted On : November 17, 2018

New developments

1      Ministry of Power has extended the last date for submission of comments on Amendment Act 2018  to 05 Nov 2018.

2      In June MoP had circulated draft of Tariff Policy  .  Now MoP has put on its website detailed proposal to amend Sec 8.3A of draft tariff Policy.

The MoP documents  referred to are attached.

These documents may be circulated to all State constituents .

Note    As per draft Amendment Act 2018  the Tariff Policy becomes compulsory and binding on all States.  With the amendments proposed in sec 8.3A of Tariff Policy  the GoI  intends to dictate the detailed  tariff structure on all States  . The above documents are to be seen together . Once Ministry of Power starts dictating tariff details to the States  through Tariff Policy  it is not only against the Constitutional provision of Electricity being Concurrent Subject, it also clearly encroaches on the jurisdiction of SERCs  .  Thus while SERCs are to decide State retail tariffs , in case of categories covered under Sec 8.3 A of proposed Tariff Policy  the SERCs would have to adopt  the tariffs dictated by GoI/MoP  because Tariff Policy would become compulsory  for all SERCs.

The State Associations may take up this matter with their Chief Minister  as it infringes the Concurrent status of Electricity , making MoP the dictator.