Tampering with the Electricity Supply Industry at a time of acute distress 04 - 05 – 2021

Posted On : July 08, 2021

Most respectfully we submit that the Electricity Supply Industry is an essential service and at this moment of acute crisis caused by COVID-19 Pandemic resulting in a large number of deaths any breakdown could result in a national calamity of unimaginable dimension.   


2. We as power engineers and employees are proud that we are keeping the system functioning and are able to give uninterrupted power supply. However, this is possible only because several of our colleagues have made great sacrifices. In Uttar Pradesh alone so far 126 employees have died on duty.     


3. Instead of recognising the enormity of the crisis and addressing such concerns as safety of power equipment and engineers, the Ministry of Power Govt. of India is with single minded devotion concerned with privatising the entire distribution network.


4. In order to achieve that ever since the beginning of COVID-19, perhaps to take advantage of the situation the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India comes up with one policy/ document or another. Drafts of Electricity Bill 2020/ 2021, Standard Bidding Document, National Electricity Policy 2021. Each of these envisages radical changes almost restructuring the entire power system. Comments are sought within a few days, notwithstanding that this is not a priority. Moreover, the electricity supply industry is on the Concurrent list under the Constitution of India.


5. Sir ! With great humility, we submit that this cannot carry on. The Government of India, the State Governments, the Managements of the distribution companies / State Power Utilities and the employees have one and only one priority and concern and that is to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity during crisis.


6. Under these circumstances All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF)  appeals  you to direct the Minister of Power, Govt. of India to devote himself to the task at hand instead of distracting us from our hourly and daily struggle of providing uninterrupted electricity supply.



Thank you with regards.


                                                                                Sincerely Yours


                                                                              Shailendra Dubey
