State power engineers predict revival of Power Corp’s finances

Posted On : December 10, 2018

New Delhi: A battery of powerengineers from across the state who converged on Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Hall at Punjabi University to participate in the annual general body meeting of PSEB Engineers’ Association on Thursday predicted a fast revival of the finances of the Punjab State Power CorporationLimited (PSPCL) with the resumption of the Shahpur Kandi Hydel Project and re-operationalisation of Pachhwara coal mine.

The event that was held after a gap of three years saw participation of the state cabinet ministers Brahm Mohindra and Balbir Sidhu. During the event, president of the association Sanjeev Sood said while the Shahpur Kandi project would bring in an annual saving of Rs 850 crore for the power corporation, the Pachhwara Coal Mine will have a direct annual benefit of Rs 650 crore.

Chairman cum Managing Director of the PSPCL Baldev Singh Sran said this year the corporation had been able to bring down its financial losses from Rs 2836 crore in 2017 to Rs 908 crore as they sold surplus power worth Rs 975 crore in the open market and that even during the peak paddy seasons without imposing any regulatory measures (power cuts) and ensuring eight hour uninterrupted power supply to the agricultural sector. Last year the corporation could only sell power worth Rs 445 crore.

Chief patron of the association Padamjit Singh sought that the government should review the decision of shutting down four thermal units at the Bathinda and two thermal units Ropar power plants. The power engineers requested Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh to intervene and register a strong protest with the central government against the proposed amendments being made to the Electricity Act 2003, which they claimed were a direct attack on federal structure of the country. Besides, other demands of the association including better pay scale for newly recruited assistant engineers and allowing the power companies to pay regular pay scales to new recruits were also discussed during the meeting.

Speaking in the occasion Brahm Mohindra said engineers had played a vital role in improving state’s economy and also congratulated them for ensuring uninterrupted power supply. He said the government was able to implement key decision of providing power to industry at lower tariff due to support extended by the engineers. 

Principal Secretary Power A. Venu Prasad assured the engineers of resolving the pending demand related to pay parity other issues. Shailender Dubey, President of All India Power Engineers’ Federation, condemned the amendments proposed by Central Government to the Electricity Act 2003.