Spell of heavy rainfall boosts Bhakra and Pong reservoir

Posted On : September 05, 2018

CHANDIGARH: Water level in Bhakra reservoir increased by 12.7 feet in last two days following heavy rainfall in the catchment areas in Himachal Pradesh.

During the last 48 hour period from 11th to 13th August Bhakra reservoir received inflows up to 1.35 lac cusecs and caused reservoir level to jump from 1595.93 ft to 1608.6 feet , a rise of 12.7 feet. Last year water level on corresponding day was 1656.7 feet.

At Pong Dam , during the this period inflow of 2.28 lac cusec was recorded and level jumped by 14 feet from 1333.66 feet to 1347.18 feet. However it is still short by 29 feet from last years level of 1367.5 feet.

Himachal Pradesh has received more than 7 cms. of average rainfall on Monday and some parts of received more than 30 cms. of rainfall. Moderate rainfall has been predicted for next three days also.

Bhakra Dam has a design full reservoir level of 1690 feet while filling is restricted to 1680 feet, keeping 10 feet margin against any sudden floods. Pong Dam has a full reservoir level of 1400 feet while filling is restricted to 1390 feet and has a filling margin of 43 feet .