Seek addl 1000 MW power from central pool, AIPEF urges CM

Posted On : July 04, 2024

The All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has written to Punjab Chief Minister suggesting that the state should seek additional 1000 MW of power from the extra from the central pool in view of abnormal increase in power demand in the state. In the state of Punjab, the power consumption has gone up by 43% in 15 days of June when compared to the same period during 2023. The maximum demand of Punjab has gone up to 15775 MW this year till date. Last year the maximum power demand in the first 15 days of June was 11309 MW and 15325 MW during paddy season on June 23. With additional agricultural load expected to rise in coming days due to paddy sowing in the state of Punjab, the power situation may become unmanageable. VK Gupta, Spokesperson of the AIPEF, said that the AIPEF had earlier written to Prime Minister and all state chief ministers demanding that the heat wave be declared a national calamity in view of rapidly increasing demand for electricity in the current conditions of extreme heat. While the situation of power availability and supply is becoming serious day by day, neither the central government nor any state government initiated any steps to control the power demand. If the situation continues like this, there are chances of grid disturbance. The AIPEF has suggested that the office timings should be changed to 7 am to 2 pm, all commercial establishments, Malls, shops etc. should be closed at 7 pm and peak load restrictions should be imposed on industry. The northern region achieved a record demand, reaching an all-time high of 86.7 GW. Till date, the maximum power demand crossed 30618 MW in UP, 15775 MW in Punjab, 13384 MW in Haryana and 8300 MW in Delhi. The power demand is likely to go upward in the coming months during paddy sowing.