PSPCL meets power requirements despite CEA shortage projections

Posted On : September 05, 2018

CHANDIGARH:Punjab State power Corporation limited (PSPCL) has been able to meet the power requirement and peak  demand of the state this year as it was able to arrange power from other sources despite Central Electricity Authority (CEA) shortage projections.

The Central Electricity Authority in its load generation balancing report (LGBR) for year 2018-19 has  projected that the Punjab will face annual peak shortage of 19.6% and power surplus of 22.5 %.The  annual power supply will be 73840 million units (MU) against power requirement of 60290 MU. 
The maximum power demand anticipated during July, August and September is 12860 MW, 12150 MW and 11370  MW against availability of 10290 MW, 10260 MW and 10340 MW respectively. Similarly power supply shortage during July to September will be 560 million units (MU), 240 MU and 270 MU respectively. For the rest of 9 months of year there will be power surplus in Punjab.

Baldev Singh Sran CMD, said that PSPCL met record maximum ever demand of 12542 MW on July 24 and also supplied record 2,749 lakh units on August 4 despite shortfall in availability of hydro power in state.

As per CEA report country is likely to experience energy surplus of 4.6 % and peak surplus of 2.5 % in the current financial year 2018-19. Surplus energy is anticipated of the order of 1.9%, 14.8% and 22.9% in the Western, Northern and North-Eastern Regions respectively. Eastern and Southern regions are 
likely to face energy shortage of 4.2% and 0.7% respectively. The peaking surplus of the order of 9.3%, 4.9%, and 12.6% is anticipated in Western, Eastern and North-Eastern Regions respectively. Northern and Southern regions are likely to face peak deficit of the order of 1.2% and 4.5% respectively.
In the northern region Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan,are likely to have both peaking and energy surplus on annual basis. Uttar Pradesh and Punjab are  anticipated to have surplus on annual basis, only in terms of energy. 

As per LGBR, the forecast of all India energy requirements, energy availability, peak demand and peak met for the year 2017-18 were greater than the actual figures by 3.0 to 11.0%.