Power engineers to hold two-day protest Jan 8 2019

Posted On : February 20, 2019

Members of the Haryana Power Engineers Association (HPEA) have decided to resort to a two-day work boycott on January 8 and 9 against the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2018 as decided by the All-India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF).

VK Gupta, spokesperson, AIPEF, said the Bill would divide the unbundled electricity industry as the distribution company would carry the electricity to the point of consumption and selling electricity to consumer would be done by supply licensee.

KK Malik, general secretary, HPEA, said the draft amendment Bill to the Electricity Act, 2003, was “very dangerous”, saying the proposed changes were aimed at benefiting “the big power companies.

He further alleged that the draft amendment would result in a steep hike in power tariff, thereby making it unaffordable even for the middle class, let alone farmers and the poor. —TNS