Power Engineers & Employees strongly condemn brutal lathi charge on peacefully demonstrating Power 27 - 01 - 2020

Posted On : April 10, 2020


No.04 - 2020 / Bihar                27 - 01 - 2020


Sri Nitish Kumar 

Hon'ble Chief Minister

Bihar Government


Sub: Power Engineers & Employees strongly condemn brutal lathi charge on peacefully demonstrating Power Employees of Bihar

Respected Sir,

All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) wants to draw your kind attention towards unilateral inhuman police action against power employees and engineers of Bihar who were peacefully protesting against privatization move of Bihar Power Corporation. AIPEF strongly condemns brutal lathi charge on peacefully demonstrating Power Employees of Bihar.

2. It is worthwhile to mention that Principal Secretary Energy & CMD of Bihar Power Corporation issued instructions for preparation of DPR for privatization of power distribution & supply on 09th January 2020 after power ministers conference held by Union Power Minister R K Singh. This unilateral action of Principal Secretary Energy & CMD of Bihar Power Corporation triggered anger amongst power employees across the state. 

3. Power employees & engineers are demanding clarification from Principal Secretary Energy & CMD of Bihar Power Corporation on privatization issue. To draw the attention of Bihar Government and power department joint action committee of power employees & engineers were holding peaceful demonstration at Vidyut Bhawan Patna on 27th January 2020 and there was no provocation from demonstrators. All of sudden police started using force and lathi charge on demonstrators without any warning.

4. You would kindly agree Sir, it is highly condemnable and all guilty should be punished immediately. AIPEF demands strong action against police and administrative authorities responsible for this brutal act. AIPEF further requests you to shelve the plan of privatization of power sector in Bihar and hold bilateral talks with power engineers & employees to improve the power position of Bihar.

Hope for an early action on the issue.

Thanking you with regards.


Sincerely Yours


Shailendra Dubey
