Low coal stocks likely to hit power generation in Haryana

Posted On : September 05, 2018

KURUKSHETRA: Following the low supply of coal, there has been a dip in its stocks to a critical level at the thermal power plants in Haryana and this may affect the thermal power generation in the state.
According to sources, the coal stock at Panipat thermal power station is critically low as only 10,000 MT of coal is available, which is just sufficient for one day. The coal stock of 37,000 MT and 60,000 MT at Yamunanagar and Khedar power plants is sufficient for four and six days, respectively. The coal stock at CLP Jhajjar power plant has stocks for just one more day even as one unit is already on the verge of shutting down due to the short supply of coal.

The daily requirement of coal at Panipat, Yamunanagar and Khedar thermal plants is 7,900 MT, 8,300 MT and 10,300 MT, respectively.

According to officials, Haryana has received only 9 rakes of coal in July, which is half of the scheduled coal supply. Panipat thermal has received two rakes, Yamunanagar one and Khedar three. As per the Central Electricity Authority norms, all thermal plants are supposed to have coal stock for 25 days before the onset of monsoon as the coal supply gets disrupted during the rainy season.

On Wednesday, the power demand in Haryana was 10,163 MW while power supplied was 2,215 lakh units and of these 437 lakh units were supplied by the thermal power plants. Today, all thermal units in the state except the one in Khedar are generating power. Khedar thermal unit 1 has been shut down due to boiler water circulation problem since June 26 and one unit of CLP Jhajjar is also not operating. The power availability from thermal units is about 2,600 MW and power drawl from the northern grid is around 6,674 MW.