India may stop building new coal power plants: Report, Dec 23, 2021

Posted On : January 21, 2022
  • A committee tasked by the Power Ministry to update India’s National Electricity Policy has recommended that no new coal-based capacity be considered for construction
  • India is considering a new policy to stop adding new coal-fired power plants while it works out a plan to meet its emissions and net zero commitments made at COP26 last month, the Economic Times reported, citing people familiar with the move.
  • A committee tasked by the Power Ministry to update India’s National Electricity Policy has recommended that no new coal-based capacity be considered for construction, the newspaper reported. The committee also recommended old coal-based units should only be replaced when it is not viable to meet the projected demand from non-fossil fuel sources, the paper said.
  • The plan, if approved, would mark a shift from the ministry’s earlier stance to build coal-fired plants. News of the plan comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi set targets last month for India to aim for net-zero emissions by 2070 and to attain 500 gigagwatts of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.