India is breaking all records on power demand front. Here is why, Sep 18, 2021

Posted On : November 09, 2021

The all India peak power demand in the period between April-August 2021 stood at 203,014 MW, as compared to 171,510 MW in the same period last yearIndia's power demand, a barometer of economic activity and progress, is growing at a historic pace in the current financial year. The trend, a result of a multitude of factors boosting industrial and residential load, is likely to continue for some time, say experts.

Power demand in the country usually grows in a range between 2 per cent and 7 per cent year-on-year. However, the massive lockdown imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic last year, pulled down electricity consumption to 6.6 per cent.

According to data sourced from Central Electricity AuthorityCEA), the all India peak power demand in the period between April-August 2021 stood at 203,014 MW, as compared to 171,510 MW in the same period last year.

In the northern region, Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest power demand of 24,965 MW with the region's total demand at 73,461 MW. Next was Maharashtra from the western region with 25,653 MW of peak demand with the region's total demand at 60,966 MW.

The southern region’s total power demand was 58,430 MW with Tamil Nadu recording the highest at 16,541 MW. Similarly, the eastern region recorded a total of 26,019 MW of power demand with West Bengal recording power demand of 9,089.

“The all India electricity demand is expected to increase by 6.0 per cent for FY2022 on a year-on-year (Y-o-Y) basis, considering the favourable base effect, relatively lesser impact of the second wave on electricity demand and the pick-up in the vaccination programme,” Sabyasachi Majumdar, Senior Vice President & Group Head - Corporate Ratings, ICRA Limited said.

He said the electricity demand growth thereafter would remain linked with the growth prospects for the economy.