HPEA demands removal of pay anomalies of assistant engineers Sep 18, 2019

Posted On : October 11, 2019

Haryana Power Engineers Aassociation  (HPEA)has demanded that  long pending  issue of  pay anomalies of assistant engineers be resolved and selection  process of  chief technological officer(CTO)  in UHBVN be stopped .

The Association has written to Additional Chief Secretary (Power ) that  as there is no sanctioned post of CTO in UHBVN there should not be any recruitment for this. It may be mentioned that an outsourced employee is holding the charge of post of chief engineer IT and management has tailor made the requirement of new post to suit the retiring   outsourced employee and that too at double the existing  pay being drawn by him.

K K Malik General Secretary said that UHBVN/DHBVN management has not resolved the pay anomaly in the pay scales of Assistant Engineers / Assistant Executive Engineers despite assurances given a number of times.  The recommendations of a  high level  committee  resolving the issue has not been put to co-ordination committee and bureau for its implementation despite assurances.

 The assistant engineers who have crossed the age of 50 years should be exempted from the departmental examinations and notices issued to such individuals should be withdrawn.