Haryana power engineers boycott online examination, Nov 25, 2021

Posted On : December 14, 2021

Haryana power engineers working in Haryana Vidhyut Prasaran Nigam (HVPN) today boycotted the online exam for assistant engineers and assistant executive engineers.

More than 118 assistant engineers and assistant executive engineersworking in HVPN have made a joint representation against the online examination and have sent to the management through their respective superintending engineers that they will boycott the examination.
Haryana Power Engineers Association has also forwarded the engineer's representation and has sought a meeting with the management at the earliest to resolve this issue and discuss other long pending issues.

KK Malik general secretary of the Association said that as far as their skill and knowledge is concerned, all the engineers have been recruited on the basis
of their GATE marks. Further, they have already cleared safety code tests and departmental account examinations. They have gained vast experience while doing their technical duties. Ram Pal president of the Association said that it is not understood why the engineers are being singled out to go through online examination. Further
engineers are already greatly perturbed over the unjustified disciplinary action over the number of trippings, which is a normal phenomenon.

All engineers have been working hard round the clock formaintaining the power system against all odds, but still, the AEs/AEEs are made the final scapegoat in every matter.
The letter alleges that the management is being misguided by the key persons sitting in head office. The Association has sought an emergent meeting to resolve all the issues so that there is no industrial unrest in the utility.