Government To Table 26 New Bills In Winter Session Of Parliament, Nov 24, 2021

Posted On : December 14, 2021


Government To Table 26 New Bills In Winter Session Of Parliament
  The government will introduce for consideration and passage bills on cryptocurrency regulation, enabling bank privatisation and repealing farm laws among 26 legislations, during the winter session of parliament starting Nov. 29. 
  The Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Agenda: The proposed amendments entail de-licensing other distribution business and bring in completion, appointment of member from law background in regulatory commissions. Strengthening of appellate tribunal for electricity penalty for non compliance of renewable purchase obligation, prescribing rights and duties of consumers, etc.

The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Agenda: To provide for enhanced new and additional financial, technological and capacity building support so as to meet Paris commitments and fully implement our nationally determined contributions in a timely manner.