Engineers’ association to hold protest against proposed Bill 27 Dec 2018

Posted On : February 20, 2019

RUPNAGAR:Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) Engineers’ Association has decided to hold zonal level protest rallies on January 8 and 9 against the proposed Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2018.

General secretary Devinder Goyal said that national coordination committee of electricity employees and engineers (NCCOEEE) had opposed the bill in its present form and suggested certain changes in the draft but the central government did not consider them and was unilaterally resorting to amend the Electricity Act 2003, thereby, pushing the sector undertakings into further financial crisis and the common people to face the burden of higher tariff together with snatching of powers of the state governments.

He urged the central government to stop further action on the anti-people legislation and withdraw the bill. All India Power Engineers Federation has also decided that engineers of the entire country will participate in the two-day-long work boycott on January 8 and 9 to safeguard the interest of public sector undertakings, consumers and the employees of power sector.