Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021, Nov 29,

Posted On : December 14, 2021

As per list of Bills to be considered in the winter session of Parliament  the Lok Sabha  documents indicate that Electricity (Amendment ) Bill 2021  is due to be tabled . In this regard we inform that All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF)  has made two representations to  GOI that  the Pre Legislative Consultation Policy (PLCP)  as issued by Law Ministry  on 05-02-2014   has not been followed  and on this account the  draft Bill should not be approved by Cabinet or Tabled in Parliament.  The following documents are attached  with particular reference to the PLCP

AIPEF Letter 72

AIPEF Letter 73

PLCP document  05 Feb 2014 and  Decisions  of Meeting of Committee of Secretaries  dated 10 Jan 2014

Draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill  2021

2.    With particular reference to PLCP  letter  dt 05-02-2014  and Decisions dt 10-Jan 2014  the following points may be examined and implemented

2.1  Ministry of Law  as well as  Ministry of Power  to ensure that PLCP  has been complied with  (  Sr No  8 ,  document dt 10-01-2014)

2.2   Ministry of Power to ensure  that note to Cabinet should include summary of stakeholder objections  along with response of Ministry of Power (  Sr No  9 ,  document dt 10-01-2014)

2.3  Instructions in the Manual for Parliamentary Procedures  and instructions issued by Cabinet Secretariat  on writing Cabinet Notes  to be amended to incorporate PLCP (  Sr No  10 ,  document dt 10-01-2014)

3.    Since the decisions  of 10-01-2014 were taken in a meeting of the Committee of Secretaries  chaired by Cabinet Secretary  the Cabinet Sectt as well as the Ministry of Power  must ensure compliance  of the decisions of 10-1-2014.

4.  In view of the above objections  AIPEF stresses that  the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021  should be sent back to the Ministry of Power  for ensuring compliance of PLCP.