Comments/objections on MoP Standard Bid Documents for privatization of Electricity distribution area, Oct 2,2020

Posted On : October 07, 2020


No.  76- 2020 /  SBD Comments date extension                                   01 Oct, 2020
All Office Bearers - AIPEF
Chairman / Secretary General - SIPEF / WIPEF / EIPEF / NIPEF
President / General Secretary - All AIPEF Constituents
All are requested to ensure following e mail to Ministry of Power for extension of date for submission of comments on Standard Bidding Document released by MOP for distribution privatization immediately. Take it as URGENT and ensure flooding of email by maximum number to MOP. Last date is 05 October.
Shailendra Dubey
Draft  e mail to be sent to ministry of Power  GoI  , [email protected]    and    [email protected]    for extending date for submission of comments   on standard bid documents.  E mail to be sent from individual e mail  ID  of the sender


From      ( name and address of engineer)


[email protected]

[email protected]

Sub   Comments/objections on MoP Standard Bid Documents  for privatization of Electricity distribution area.

Sir, Please refer ministry of power public notice appearing on website, dated 22 Sept 2020  inviting comments  and objections to draft Standard Bid documents  by 05 Oct 2020.  As an engineer working in Electricity distribution  I wish to submit detailed comments and objections but the time given is far too inadequate . I therefore request that Ministry of Power may extend the last date for comments from 05 Oct 2020 to 31 March 2021.


Address/email ID

