Posted On : March 07, 2022

 All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) at the outset likes to submit that the Electricity Department, Govt. of Puducherry is functioning better as many pointers of  evaluating the performance of utility like the average cost of Supply, T&D loss, reliability of power supply etc are better in Puducherry than the national average. AIPEF also learns that the Electricity Department has been consistent in early restoration of power supply during the frequent natural disasters occurring in Puducherry and the efforts of the Engineers and Employees are all appreciated by the general public.


2.         Under these circumstances, the Govt. of India has proposed to privatize the profit making Electricity Department under the Atma Nirbhar Scheme. Instead of rewarding the better functioning employees, the proposal of privatization will result in loss of jobs for the Engineers and Employees. The above privatization proposal of the Govt. Being a model employer will send the wrong signal across the country and will affect the employee morale which is not good for the country.


3.         Already the country has witnessed that the private entities will not be interested in protecting the employee interests in such privatization exercises. As such the Engineers and Employees of the Puducherry Electricity Department have proposed to go on for indefinite strike from 01/02/2022 in order to impress the Government to defer the privatization process.


4.         AIPEF fully supports the genuine cause of the Engineers and Employees of the Electricity Department, Puducherry and has planned to carry out protests across the country on 01/02/2022 requesting to withdraw the move of the privatization of Electricity Department, Puducherry.


5.         AIPEF requests your high office to kindly intervene in the matter and protect the interests of the Engineers and Employees of Electricity Department with the following lines of action:


a)    Privatization of the Electricity Department, Puducherry should be deferred immediately as the Electricity Department of Puducherry is already in the process of implementing the projects of reforms such as Prepaid Smart metering project .

b)    Any reform should be carried out only as per the advice of JERC as per section 86(2) Electricity Act 2003.

c)    Action to implement JERC directive to carry out manpower study and implement the finding so as to further improve the efficiency of the Electricity Department, U.T. of Puducherry.


Thanking you,


With regards.



Sincerely Yours


Shailendra Dubey
