AIPEF condemns the victimisation and suspension of office bearers, Oct 23, 2020

Posted On : October 26, 2020

All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has condemned the suspension of office bearers and has urged the chief minister Haryana that suspension orders of K D Bansal SE & Chairman Northern India Power Engineers Federation (NIPEF) must be withdrawn.

Shailendra Dubey Chairman AIPEF in a letter dated October 21, to the chief minister has written that a clear trend has emerged whereby dedicated, honest, and committed power engineers and office-bearers of NIPEF & HPEA are being victimized one by one which is giving an extremely negative and wrong signal across the power engineers. The situation prevailing in Haryana power utilities is not conducive to efficient and clean working.
On 30th.July 2020 the General Secretary of Haryana Power Engineers Association KK Mallik was suspended without any basis or reason. Now On 7th Oct 2020 K D Bansal SE Narnaul and Chairman NIPEF and S K Makkar ex Organising Secretary HPEA have been suspended.
The letter mentions that all the three office-bearers had conveyed and persued
with the state government the serious matters relating to irregularities & corruption.
Instead of taking cognizance and corrective action, the officers are being suspended.

In all these disciplinary cases the negative role of the CMD /Discoms is evident.
The working environment in Haryana power utilities has become highly polluted and
vitiated due to the dictatorial working of CMD. The experiment of having a policeman as CMD of Distribution utilities is not a workable arrangement and has failed.

AIPEF urges the CM Haryana to immediately appoint competent power engineers
as CMD of the Discoms which will also put an end to the victimization of honest
and dedicated engineers. The appointment of an IPS officer as CMD of two Discoms is not working and as such, this anomaly must be addressed and discontinued now.
AIPEF demands that all the cases of victimization by way of suspensions and charge sheets should be withdrawn.