NLDC warns against over drawl by northern grid

Posted On : September 05, 2018

CHANDIGARH: National Load Despatch Centre(NLDC) has advised the northern grid power utilities to decongest the system either by reducing their power drawl from the western grid or increasing their own generation.

NLDC in its warning letter has mentioned that the actual power drawl by northern region from Western region was 13517 MW against the limit of 13250 MW on June 25.In case the warning is not acceded the congestion charges will be levied as per CERC rules.

The National Load dispatch centre (NLDC) is the coordinating body which monitors the 5 regional grids of the country to ensure safe, secure and coordinated grid operation.

The maximum power demand met on Monday in the northern region was 57795 MW with shortage of 481 MW to 872 MW. The maximum power demand of Punjab and Haryana was11766 MW and 9783 MW respectively. The power demand is increasing due to paddy season and use of air conditioners.

Energy flow from western grid to northern grid takes place over a number of 765 KV as well as high voltage DC ( HVDC )lines. On 25th June the daily energy flow on main lines interconnecting between two regions was 2707 lakh units.

765 kV Gwalior- Agra line transmitted 592 lakh units with maximum load of 2845 MW. HVDC Mundra(Gujarat)-Mohindergarh (Haryana) line supplied 551 lakh units with maximum load of 2505 MW. 765 kv Phagi (Rajasthan)-Gwalior line supplied 283 lakh units with load of 1406 MW and 800 KV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra line supplied 322lakh units with 1500 MW load. There are other two 765 KV lines supplying power between Madhya Pardesh and Uttar Pardesh.

Padamjit Singh Chief Patron All India power Engineers federation said that as all these lines are heavily loaded and unscheduled increase may trip the system putting grid stability at risk. Under such conditions the states must o take steps to de congest the tie lines.