Low water levels in regions reservoirs may impact crops, Sep 24, 2021

Posted On : November 09, 2021

The lower water level in the reservoirs of the Himachal Pradesh and Punjab may lead to the regulated release of water in canals for irrigation purposes next year during the next rabbi season and may impact crops.

The water level in Bhakra reservoir at the end of normal filing season date of September 20 is 1642 feet which are down by 43 feet from the maximum filling level of 1685 feet being followed in BBMB. Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan states are the major user of Bhakra’s water mainly for irrigation as well as drinking purpose.

The water level of Bhakra Dam stood at 1642 feet on the 20th. September as compared to 1659 feet on the same day last year. The capacity of Bhakra Dam is 1685 feet. Similarly, the water level of Pong Dam stood at 1352.5 as compared to 1375.3 on the same day last year.

The capacity of Pong Dam is 1400 feet. This time the water in Pong Dam is 23 feet less than last year and 47.5 feet less than the maximum permissible level.

Last year the maximum water level in Bhakra reservoir was 1662.7 feet and in year 2019 it was 1680.8 feet. At Ranjit Sagar water level at the end of filling season is 1665.75 feet against the maximum limit of 1731.5 feet last year this was 1692 feet.

According to a Central Water Commission bullet of September 16, the overall water level in northern region 8 reservoirs is just 54 percent of the total live storage whereas this figure was 76% last year level. The storage at Bhakra Dam is 73% and at Pong reservoir, it is 58% of the normal storage year.

The delayed withdrawal of monsoon beyond September 20 may give small relief as an inflow in Bhakra reservoir is more than its usage.

This year the water and power requirements were regulated to conserve the water and this process will be repeated next year also.